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What is the purpose / utility of Nifty League comics?

Comics were free gifts to reward our early holders!

Each comic can be burned for in-game wearables or weapons. Note: each comic corresponds with a specific item, some more rare than others. A full set of comics, 1-6, can also be exchanged for a Citadel Key.

Read more about Nifty League Comics.

Can I still claim comics?

No, all claims are now closed. Comics are available on secondary marketplaces such as OpenSea

The snapshot for Comics 5 and 6 was taken at Ethereum Block 14115835. Each DEGEN held at the snapshot received a comic 5 claim. Each tribe set, and meta background, received a comic 6 claim. Legendary DEGENs held at the snapshot received a claim for two comic 6s.

Comics 1-4 were airdropped as minting promotions immediately following the mint.

Read more about Nifty League Comics.

How do I know which item comes from each comic?

Hints can be found in the comic art if you look closely!

Comic 1: Cape
Comic 2: Halo
Comic 3: Diamond Bat
Comic 4: Bread Bat
Comic 5: Purple Bat
Comic 6: Companion

Full Set 1-6 Citadel Key