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Connect Your Wallet


Our websites use WalletConnect 2.0 which supports most crypto wallets.

Web3 Dashboard

Visit your Nifty League dashboard to manage your NFTs or NFTL holdings on

Simply click "Sign In" and you will be prompted to sign a message verifying the address belongs to you. Always be cautious while signing messages - please make sure the url matches.

Nifty Smashers

To connect your NFT holdings to Nifty Smashers mobile, you first need to create an account in-app.

  1. Downloaded the game on - available for both iOS & Android!
  2. After completing the in-game tutorial, click your profile to create an account!
  3. Once done, return to to sign-in to your new game account.
  4. You will see an option to connect a wallet to your account. In fact, multiple wallets can be connected. All it takes is a single signature per wallet and you're done!
  5. Restart the mobile app to load in your new settings.

For a visual walkthrough check out this tutorial - Nifty Smashers Onboarding Tutorial