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Tribes are used to determine special game mechanics or special moves available.

Special Ability by Tribe: throws boomerang bananas teleports pounces, has increased bat power, and temporary speed boost the tongue grapple hook doge coin roll throws dynamite that explodes on command uses an ancient trident to dash


You can learn more about these movesets in our Smashers Guide.

Hydra - DEGEN Burn

The Mint-O-Matic mint was capped to 9,900 DEGENs with 98 spots leftover for a mysterious 7th tribe... In Feb 2023, the rare 7th tribe was finally revealed as the ancient Hydras came back from extinction.

DEGEN holders lined up to send 8 DEGENs through a portal forever burning their existence from the blockchain. In return? A claim at one of 98 rare Hydra eggs.

Hydras are amphibious water dragons that roam freely underwater or on land. Their cuteness belies their wise and fighting prowess. They pack a punch with their tridents, spears, and ranged attacks and bring a wealth of lore knowledge to Nifty League, being the oldest tribe.

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Following the Hydra claim we held a NFTL raffle for the final 2 DEGENS - both unique and very special tribes, RugMan & Satoshi. Holders of these special tokens are granted the highest perks available in the NiftyVerse.