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DEGEN Holders - 750M NFTL

250M NFTL is distributed annually over the first 3 years to all genesis DEGEN NFT owners at a rate of 68.5 NFTL per day.

There is no need to stake your DEGEN NFT to earn daily NFTL.

DEGEN owners may claim their NFTL on our website at any time by visiting their Profile. NFTL is associated with each DEGEN, not your wallet address. Meaning - selling before claiming will tranfer any claimable NFTL to the new owner.

Claiming your DEGEN's earned NFTL means moving the token to your preferred crypto wallet (gas must be paid to perform this action).

SushiSwap Liquidity Incentives - 30M NFTL

30M NFTL was allocated for liquidity incentives along with SUSHI tokens as part of their Onsen program. Those who provided NFTL/ETH liquidity and staked their LP token on SushiSwap were elligible to claim while supplies lasted. This program is now complete and no NFTL is left to be claimed.

Play-2-Earn (P2E) - 70M NFTL

To bootstrap Nifty Smashers and encourage new players to test our system we introduced p2e rewards for a limited time. This program is now complete and no NFTL p2e options are intended to available in our games going forward.

Final Available Emissions - 850M NFTL

With DEGEN Holder emissions coming to an end, the total emissions amount to 850M NFTL. Any future emissions will be decided by the Nifty DAO.